2008年12月18日 星期四

Dual boot Ubuntu and Vista on two Hard disks

[Q] 如何dual boot Ubuntu and Vista?
Ubuntu 在HD1, Vista 在HD2

0. (Single boot) enter BIOS each time at boot to change the default first boot HD

1. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/grub-chainloader-boots-from-primary-but-not-from-extended-partition-686628/
I wanted to add another small OS to my multiboot system and, as I hadn't any more available primary partitions, I took out ... an extended partition into which I created two logical partitions...

title Haiku (400 MB image)
rootnoverify (hd1,4)
chainloader +1
But this wouldn't boot and gave this error message:
Error 12: Invalid device requested
When you say "chainloading" it means that a boot loader is installed on the target partition. The chainloader function transfers control from the main boot code (MBR) to the partition boot code.

2. 參考 https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub/+question/21283
xxx 在終端機下命令 sudo update-grub xxx(沒用)
在終端機下命令 sudo fdisk -l 確認vista/linux 所在的HD與Partition
備分 /boot/grub/menu.lst
修改 sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

2.1. timeout 10

2.2. 不要 hidemenu

2.3. 尋找
# This is a divider, added to separate the menu items below from the Debian
# ones.
title Other operating systems:

# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
# on /dev/hda1
title Windows Vista
root (hd1,0)
chainloader +1

2.4. 存檔,重新開機

2.5. 如果Vista 不在hd1的第一個Partition(hd1,0)???

3. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=664401
" ...
I have swapped the boot order in the BIOS so the system boots the second physical disk, where I have installed GRUB into the MBR and it happily boots Gutsy installed on the second physical disk.

I want to chainload the MBR of the first physical disk but I can't work our how to do it - All I can manage with chainloading is to load from the partitions.
If you want to use grub to boot windows on a second disk (i.e. second in the Bios boot order), you need to add map commands to the menu.lst entry:

title WIndows XP
rootnoverify (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
chainloader +1
